From the Archives 2015


The United Kingdom:Exit temporarily – To a Strong Come Back!

(This article was published in 2015, and it is interesting in the present context as we are observing the UK is trying to emerge from those times. UK helped Ukraine, remained a strong ally of the US, can’t generate a strong impression in Hamas Israel war, and couldn’t achieve much against Russia.  Brexit, to some extent, is a partial success as it is still evoking  mixed feelings in the country. It’s up to you to judge the position of the UK then and now)

Great BritainThe “Great” Disappearing Act.

Creator of the world’s most impressive and dominant language-‘English’ and a great patron of Democracy. ‘Industrial revolution’ originated here, and not long back ago, half of the world was under its dominance. Geographical boundaries of the empire were so vast that the Sun never set on the empire.

Add to that, the permanent seat in the United Nation’s Security Council, The status of strong core nation to NATO and EU, the most influential country constantly accompanying the superpower United States to have a powerful say in all international events. A country of patriots, with most modernised, excellently trained, and disciplined armed forces with a legendary naval tradition. A strong nuclear nation with a significant atomic arsenal.The land of literary giants, social essayists, scientists, renowned educational institutes…  The list is endless. And, how can one forget this country with her people famous for that stiff upper lip?

Now the picture is complete, and you have recognised it right – the United Kingdom. The last 4 centuries stand witness to the British dominance, and that is why it is stunning and equally disturbing to face the fact that the United Kingdom is fading fast from the international scene.

So many international events with historical significance came and went by without any involvement of the great nation. 

The increased terrorist activities of the ISIL in the middle east, The renewed Israel-Palestine dispute, The cruel and terrifying mushrooming of terror outfits in North Africa ,  Instability in Iraq, Syria,Libya and Yemen, The increasing Russian imperialism and conditions in Eastern Ukraine , The status of Euro zone countries and financial instability in the countries like Greece, Spain and Portugal, Different summits in the EU, The North African and Middle East refugees spilling over Europe …Nothing could move and woke up this great nation.

The U.K. simply engrossed, looking inwards and neglecting all the world.

This neglect does not occur all of a sudden. Some of the actions by the British Government in the recent past exemplify it.  
The once famous foreign affairs department was made subordinate to the newly founded Department for International Development (D.F.I.D.), and the funds for the overseas development were diverted elsewhere. The foreign affair ministry was overshadowed and become dull.
The spending on foreign affairs from the British taxpayer’s money was diverted. The development of the British army stopped. In the year 2009, Prime Minister David Cameron lessened the participation in the European Parliament and alienated from the other European countries. He announced a plebiscite for the exit from the EU. The Prime Minister rescued himself from a delicate and polemic decision but further marginalised U.K. from the Euro zone.

The debacle continued and became sharp when the British parliament moved aside the proposal for military intervention along with the US in Syria over the use of chemical weapons on Syrian rebels by 114 votes.

For the upcoming general elections, the Pre-poll surveys are indicating a hung parliament. There is no majority to a single political party. The coalition politics that took place in the year 2010 seems to be staying on for another an experienced and mature democracy and aware of the impact of the neglecting the current global politics and economics. 
Perhaps the costly military interventions in the affairs of foreign countries, loss of life, and wealth for the hollow international image that is too costly to maintain withdrawing Brits from international politics. The looming fear of terrorism which has reached her shores, might have compelled the British rulers to make a choice to stay away from the international scene. Maybe a strong single-party vote can change this perception.

As a staunch allied nation to the US, the United Kingdom was everywhere rubbing shoulders with the Americans and benefited immensely in the trade bargains around the globe. Those conditions are quite changed now. The events on the globe are complicated, interlinked, and not without consequences. Perhaps this might be the reason why the British people are looking inwards, and the usual rhetoric about global events is absent in the passionate speeches of political leaders. Many experts opinionated that this is the first election after World War 2, where there is no debate on foreign affairs and the global situation.

The coming up elections, at best, can give rise to another coalition government.

The United Kingdom comprises North Ireland, England, Welsh, and Scotland. If Scotland succeeds in secession, then it will make the U.K. a small county indeed. The Scottish National Party head Stuergon is making a fresh demand for Scot independence.

All political parties are assuring the British citizens that they will reduce the defense budget, reduce the armed forces, cut into atomic weapons, and even ready to let go of the right of veto in the United Nations. (As declared in the manifesto of Greens Party). There are 650 seats in the House of Commons, and 326 seats are required for the majority. What will be the impact of the outcome of approaching UK elections on the world is difficult to fathom. But without the UK in the EU, an already strong Germany is most likely to become the face of entire Europe and rub shoulders with the U.S. and China. 

The political pundits have expressed doubts over any single party, winning a clear majority and hinting at a hung parliament. This will make the foreign policy a bit dull and may further alienate the UK from the rest of the world. On the other hand, it may not happen at all, and the Brits may once again start to dominate. Any conclusion is difficult to draw, except the fact that the U.K. has taken a temporary exit from the world stage.      

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